Friday, February 1, 2013

To Extract or not to Extract.......

Extractions. What most people love or hate about a facial.  Extractions are designed to remove those pesky blackheads, milia or pimples.  It's not the most comfortable thing to have done, but some people love this part because they feel it makes their skin feel more clean. I hear so often, "I just need a facial because I have so many blackheads that need to be extracted.  Could you spend a lot of time extracting?"  Sure, I can!  However, I will let you know that it can actually do more harm to your skin than good. 

Here's the deal.  If your skin is in good condition, you shouldn't need extractions.  Of course, you might get an occasional blemish here and there, or feel oilier during different times of the year, but if the skin is healthy, there is no reason to put your skin through that kind of trauma.  I used to be a big believer in extractions.  I couldn't wait to get that tool in my hand and go to town.  The more blackheads I got out, the better.  The client would leave with less blackheads or pimples, but would have more redness and blotchiness to the skin.  That didn't seem right.  After a facial, your skin should look healthier, more balanced and radiant. 

It wasn't until I was discussing this issue with a highly educated skin care collegue that I realized how bad it can be for the skin.  First of all, pimples should never be "popped."  I know it's tempting, but what can happen if you "pop" a pimple is create an environment for more bacterial growth, scarring and pigment discoloration.  When you have a pimple, there is already inflammation present and the skin has created a protective barrier to prevent more bacteria from invading the area.  If I break that skin, that is not only going to lead to more inflammation and redness, but I can also push that bacteria deeper into the skin creating a much larger infection.  Not to mention damaging that delicate skin which will now have to form scar tissue. Yikes!  The best way, in my opinion to get rid of pimples, is to use a good spot treatment with either benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur.  By doing that for a few days it will help to kill the p.acne bacteria and reduce the inflammation.  Don't go to crazy though, because overuse of those ingredients can dry the skin too much and lead to more irritation.  If you don't have any of those ingredients, try mixing a paste of baking soda with distilled water.  Apply it to the blemish and use a warm compress to help draw the fluid/pus out of the skin.  I know it sounds gross, but it works and will not lead to scarring.

For blackheads, there are some cases where I can gently extract areas with an abudnace of them.  I usually do this after using an alkaline based product with steam to soften the skin so removal is much easier.  I don't care for extracting blackheads on clients with thinner skin with capillary damage.  Extracting can lead to more damage of the capillary walls in those cases.  Using a gentle exfoliant 3 times a week (no more) can help prevent blackheads from occuring.  Also, avoiding products that contain heavy oils, paraffin, petroleum because they can clog pores.

Lastly, PLEASE DO NOT PERFORM EXTRACTIONS ON YOURSELF AT HOME!  This is a big one!  I have yet to see a client make his/her skin better by attempting to do their own extractions. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Post Holiday Skin

We've all been there.....the feeling you get after the Holiday's.  Some people are happy for them to be over, others are sad because it went by too fast.  If you're like me, I am feeling bloated, toxic and blah!  Too much over indulgence has wreaked havoc on my body and my skin.  Not only do my clothes fit a little tighter and I need to amp up my exercise routine, but  I also have to deal with all these bumps and breakouts in my skin.  All those bumps and blemishes are caused by 3 things most people enjoy over the holidays: Alcohol,  Refined Sugar and Dairy. All of those things will create inflammation in the body. With the skin being the largest organ of the body, it will also show signs of inflammation-hence the breakouts!  Also, as these toxins are trying to purge themselves out of the body, the skin becomes more inflamed and imbalanced.  When there is imbalance in the skin, it can become dehydrated and dull. 

So, the question is, how do I get my skin back to normal????  Just as we exercise our bodies to get back into shape after the holiday's,  we have to do the same for our skin.  Essentially, put it onto an "exercise program"! I know for the next month or so, I will have to do some light chemical peels to get my skin back into shape as well as be more consistent with my home care regimen.  If you're skin is relatively healthy, but just looking a little sluggish, you may only need 1-2 peels.  If the skin was unhealthy to start with and needs a little more help 4-6 peels are what you'll need.  I always recommend a home care program to follow while having the peels done.  The reason why is to encourage a quicker result and minimize unwanted side effects. The one thing I need to stress is the skin will not change overnight! Unfortunately, even though we may have over indulged for a week or so, it may take up to 8 weeks to get the skin back into good condition. So be patient!!!


Monday, November 26, 2012

Gift Ideas for Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching and as we all know finding the perfect gift isn't always easy. At Advanced Body Care we have a lot of new products and gift sets to make your holiday shopping a little bit easier. From skin care to candles we have a little something for everyone.

Here are some of our newest gifts for the season...

It's all about the Glitz and Glow this holiday season!
Image Skincare Glitz and Glow Gift Set $79.90
This limited edition holiday gift box includes everything for flawless skin with a full morning and evening skincare regimen.
the Max Facial Cleanser
A daily, acid-free, sulfate-free and paraben-free gentle cleanser to balance and optimize skin's pH. Plant derived stem cells as well as plant extracts nourish skin and protect from environmental pollutants.
Vital C Hydrating Anti-Aging Serum
A hydrating serum that incorporates the new technology of oil-soluble vitamin C with the highest bio-availability to immediately soothe the visible effects of environmentally damaged skin. Vitamins A, E and highly potent anti-oxidants nourish the skin to create a healthy, youthful glow. 
Daily Defense Moisturizer SPF 30 
Lightweight, paraben-free, ultra-sheer UVA/UVB broad spectrum moisturizer. Provides ultimate protection against the aging effects of the sun and environmental exposures. Contains potent anti-oxidant thiotaine as well as other essential vitamins to prevent free radical damage. 
Vital C Hydrating Repair Creme
An ultra-hydrating anti-oxidant repair creme. Vitamins A, C, and E nourish and protect akin daily for ultimate anti-aging benefits. 

Eminence Vanilla Almond Gift Set $30
Indulge your senses with the Vanilla Almond Gift Set from Eminence, the perfect luxurious introduction to our organic skin care products!
Vanilla Almond Hand & Cuticle Cream
Vanilla Almond Shimmer Body Lotion

Voluspa Candles $9-$27
Voluspa Candles are beautifully and thoughtfully packaged and come in an array of luxurious scents. Undeniably the "Chanel" of candles, Voluspa makes the perfect gift. 

NEW! Pure Fiji
It has been over a millennium since South Pacific Islanders sailed their open canoes across the Pacific, using stars, wind, wave rolls, and the warm Pacific ocean currents to move from one island to the next. Prior to civilization of the Pacific , these liquid currents were also a sea-lane for a flotilla of drift nuts and flowering plants that traveled the South Seas until they were washed ashore on our sandy beaches. Famed for their beauty, Pacific Islanders discovered early on the power of these exotic nuts which were used to cleanse , soften and protect their skin and hair.

We carry many Pure Fiji body products from lotions to sugar scrubs in scents like pineapple, coconut, and white gingerlily. These make a great gift or stocking stuffer for anyone.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Post Summer Skin Care

My favorite season is Fall and I am so excited the cooler weather is here!  Fall is also known as the season of change.  Time to review old habits that might not be working for you and make changes. It is also the perfect time to change up your skincare products and treatments. I see quite a few clients this time of year with what is considered to be "Post Summer Skin".  Skin that maybe got a little too much sun and might appear uneven and dull or maybe skin that  was coated with  layers and layers of sunscreen and now feels and looks a little congested.  Here are a few tips to get rid of that post summer skin and go into Fall with radiant, beautiful skin!

1) Choose a gentle cleanser that can be used twice a day without overdrying the skin. Avoid cleansers or soaps that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which is a foaming agent that strips your natural moisture. Keeping the skin clean without overdrying will help to prevent breakouts and premature aging of the skin.

2) Exfoliate the skin no more than 3 times a week. Overexfoliation leads to irritation, inflammation and dryness which can also lead to more breakouts and premature aging of the skin.  Use of a gentle enzyme exfoliant is recommended for those with rosacea or sensitive skin.  Scrubs that contain micro beads (not apricot shells) can be used for thicker, oilier skin.  Remember to never scrub active acne as this may lead to more breakouts.

3) Consider a post summer skin care treatment. Peels are a good option this time of year especially if there is some damage from the sun. Peels can help reduce sun/age spots and fine lines and wrinkles.  Keep in mind  that multiple treatments and a good home care regimen are recommended to get the best results.

4) Get moving!  Exercising 20 minutes a day will help to rid the body of toxins and increase oxygen.  Increased oxygen levels in the body will reduce inflammation in the skin and keeps cells from aging. It also helps to reduce acne breakouts.

5) Wear sunscreen.  Many people believe that sunscreen only needs to be worn in the summer.  However, we are exposed to UVA/UVB all year round.  UVA rays are long invisible rays that are considered to age the skin.  These rays are invisible and will penetrate through glass.  UVB rays are shorter rays that are known to tan or burn the skin. We are exposed to UVB rays more in the summer but we still need to protect agains UVA.  Make sure a good sunscreen is applied to the skin daily.

6) Lastly, choose a good moisturizer.  Cooler weather can dry the skin out as well as indoor heating.  Make sure to protect the skin with a scarf on a brisk day and keep the skin hydrated.  The moisturizer you were using during the summer months may not be enough for the fall weather.

As always, I offer complimentary skin consultations, so if you are not quite sure what you should be using on your skin or what treatment would be good for you, please come in and see me!

Happy Fall!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Airbrush Tanning - Is it safe??

Recently, there have been some concerns in the media about the use of DHA for airbrush tanning, and whether or not it is potentially harmful to your health. At Advanced Body Care, we are committed to your health, so we want to clear up any confusion you may have with airbrush tanning safety.
The most important thing to remember is that, when used according to FDA guidelines, DHA is perfectly safe. DHA has been FDA approved for years for external application. What has recently come into question is what happens if the product gets into your eyes, mucous membranes, is inhaled or ingested?  Here is what the FDA says about that;

The FDA advises asking the following questions when considering commercial facilities where DHA is applied by spraying or misting:
  • Are consumers protected from exposure in the entire area of the eyes, in addition to the eyes themselves?
  • Are consumers protected from exposure on the lips and all parts of the body covered by mucous membrane?
  • Are consumers protected from internal exposure caused by inhaling or ingesting the product?
We have always had the proper protection available to our airbrush tanning clients. Going forward, we will offer every client the following options; 
  • Goggles or Wink-Ease to keep the product out of the eye area.
  • Vaseline to use as a barrier on the lips to keep the product out of the mouth.
  • Nose filters or dust masks to keep from inhaling the solution.
Remember, the FDA hasn't issued any statements to say the that DHA is dangerous when it is ingested. But, we can take these precautions to make sure that you have a safe airbrush tanning experience.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dermasound Ultrasonic Facial Treatment

I attended a refresher class yesterday on the Dermasound Ultrasonic Facial Treatment. It is one of the fabulous services offered at Advanced Body Care!! There are so many treatments available to the consumer that it is really hard to decide who to go to and what treatments are really effective. I learned yesterday the Dermasound machine has the largest study ever done on a piece of esthetic equipment. So exciting!!! So what exactly is an Ultrasonic Facial treatment? It is actually 3 treatments in one. The first process is a ultrasonic exfoliation using water and ultrasonic waves. Just as effective as microdermabrasion but much gentler on the skin and also creates micro-pathway's for products to penetrate evenly and deeply. The second process is an infusion of products into the skin. Depending on the condition, products with stem cells and peptides for wrinkles can be infused, or benzoyl peroxide can be used for acne. Products that help calm redness associated with rosacea can also be used. During the infusion process the products are reaching a level to where they can actually help the health of a damaged cell. The final step is microcurrent. Microcurrent has the capability of stimulating collagen (which breaks down as we age and causes those pesky wrinkles) and reducing redness and inflammation in the skin! Such an amazing treatment and the best thing is that it is actually quite relaxing to have done. The other benefit is there is no down time! The show " The Dr's" also promoted this treatment on their show because the results are so amazing! I would encourage you to give it a try sometime so you can see the results for yourself!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Product Junkie!

I have to admit I am a self confessed product junkie! I have a cupboard full of products that I may have used once or not at all. Hair, skin and body products galore! My husband doesn't understand the need for so many beauty products, but I try to tell him they all serve a purpose in my daily/weekly regimen. Being in the beauty industry, it is very easy to accumulate all these products. We receive samples from vendors, trade shows, classes, but then I thought, if all these companies paid less money to hand out hundreds of thousands of samples that may or may not get used and put that money into making a healthier, safer product, wouldn't that be great? We use things everyday that contain harmful ingredients that over time can lead to certain illnesses. Chemicals such as fragrance, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfates, etc should be avoided if possible. The reason these companies use these ingredients is because it is cheaper and therefore, they can make more of a profit off the product. I am bothered by this because these big companies only care about making money off me, but have no concern about my health and safety. So, I decided to only use products that did not contain these harmful ingredients in my daily and weekly regimen. I also wanted a healthy product line I could use on my clients and feel comfortable with the fact that I am actually nourishing their skin instead of harming it. My two favorite lines by far are Eminence Organic Skin Care and Image Skin Care. I've seen amazing results in my skin as well as my clients skin. Gone are the days of redness, itchiness, dryness and irritation!!! The Eminence products are composed of raw fruits and vegetables and cold pressed which means the nutrients and minerals are still intact. They smell amazing as it is the natural scent of the fruit or plant being used. The Image products are more of a medically based skin care line with utilizing peptides, vitamin C, green tea and plant based stem cells which are great for aging skin and reducing inflammation. I've seen amazing results with both lines and cannot wait to share them with you!